Nigerian Air Force (NAF) operatives successfully eliminated the notorious bandit warlord, Ali Alhaji Alheri, also known as Kachalla Ali Kawaje, responsible for orchestrating the abduction of female students from Federal University Gusau (FUGUS) and construction workers.
He was targeted and killed in an airstrike on Monday.
ccording to a reliable source from the joint task force Operation Hadarin Daji (OPHD) in Gusau, Zamfara State, Kachalla Kawaje met his end in Niger State during the NAF-led airstrike, which also targeted the camps of Ali Kachalla and Dogo Gide on December 6, 2023. Several other notorious bandit leaders were eliminated in the strike.
The source further stated that those killed were Machika (Dogo Gide’s younger brother, a top commander in Gide’s group) and Dan Muhammadu, a kidnapper and assault specialist in the Dogo Gide camp.
According to him, the three kingpins, alongside several others, were killed while on an attack mission in Niger State.
The killed kingpins were known to be hibernating in Kamuku National Park in Birnin Gwari Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Kuyambana Game Reserve in Maru Local Government Area of Zamfara State and Kainji Lake National Park in Mashegu, Magama and Borgu local government areas of Niger State.