Enugu Community in crisis as Ministry of Local government Rural Development and chieftaincy Affairs issued certificates of Return/Recognition to Candidates without Elections

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Nkpunato-Nkpologu Autonomous Community in Uzo-uwani LGA is in crisis and in complete dilemma as the Ministry of Local government Rural Development and chieftaincy Affairs headed by Hon Deacon Okey Ogbodo arbitrarily recognized Candidates without Elections.

News media agency confirmed this ugly incident on Monday through the outgoing President General, Chief Barr A.A Onyeji. He noted that their Town Union elections which was held on Dec 9th ,2023 did not produce winners owing to the crisis that occurred during vote counting in the post of president General. And the Returning Officer for the election declared the election inconclusive and postponed the election when hoodlums brought to the election wanted to hijack the process.
He expressed dissatisfaction with the Ministry in-charge of Town Union in Enugu State for going ahead to issue certificates of Returns/ recognitions to some Candidates even when it’s clear that there was no Election. He further stated that petitions have been Submitted to the office of the Hon commissioner immediately after the elections but yet they still went ahead to issue certificates of Returns.

He therefore, implore the Governor of Enugu State,Dr.Peter Mbah to intervene in this unhealthy imposition of leaders against the wishes of his people.The outgoing President General also pointed out that this is the first time in his life he has seen certificate of returns collected for persons by proxy and with no letter of Authorization from those whose names appeared on the certificates. He further clarified that four certificate of returns for the office of Vice president, Treasurer,Provost and PRO were sent to them in the village. The four persons listed for the positions were not invited at Enugu for inauguration and collection of certificates. Everything was secretly done because they know they’re not doing the right thing. This is quite unfortunate,he noted.
He further stated, that Enugu State is not a Banana republic,there are standards in Enugu State. Imposition of Community leaders by some highly placed politicians in the community should not be allowed to be the order of the day. He Pleaded the Honourable Commissioner for Local government, Rural Development and chieftaincy Affairs to order for a fresh Election and not imposition as it were.
And further stated that his Community will not accept anything other than Election.

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About the Author: Akelicious

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