Donald Trump Pledges to Reject $450,000 Salary If Reelected President

Donald Trump 1

United States President-elect Donald Trump has announced that he plans to forgo his salary during his second term in office.

In a recent interview, Trump stated: “I’m not going to accept a salary as president, and I am giving up a lot of money. You know what amazes me? Maybe this isn’t right, but other than George Washington—and they’re not sure about that—every other president has accepted salaries except me.”

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When asked if he had collected his pension, he replied: “I don’t think so, I don’t think I accepted anything. The president gets about $450,000 a year, and I didn’t take it. By the way, I got no credit for that, but it’s okay. For me, it’s a nice thing to do. I’m surprised that not one president has done that. I would have assumed that Roosevelt wouldn’t accept a salary or Kennedy—you know, the Kennedy family is rich.”

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About the Author: Akelicious

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