“I feel betrayed by feminism,” 38-yr-old single lady airs her scare of loneliness

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A 38-year-old lady has blamed feminism for being the reason she’s still single with no child to call her own.

Melissa Persling, in a recent article for Business Insider, reveals she’s scared of growing old alone and childless.

In the article titled: “I’m 38 and single, and I recently realized I want a child. I’m t£rrified I’ve missed my opportunity,” Persling revealed that at 22 she married a traditional man and moved to a rural community in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where she grew up.

“He wanted a simple life with children and home-cooked meals. At that time I felt very strongly I did not want children, that I wasn’t going to be like the traditional housewife. I knew I did want to pursue a career, and I felt very strongly that that would never change. And I guess I was wrong,” she told Fox News.

Persling said both her and her ex thought that love could conquer everything, but after 10 years, it was clear their differences in life goals were irreconcilable. Persling said she became resentful when he would ask for dinner or for his laundry to be done.

“I did little to hide my disdain for our small-town life. He was a good and hardworking man, but I don’t think I made him feel that way,” she said. At 30, Persling and her ex divorced.

“I told my friends and family I’d never get married again. I needed independence, a fulfilling career, and space to chart my own course, and I didn’t think marriage fit into that vision. I was content to look toward a future without a husband, children, or the trappings of a ‘traditional’ life,’” she wrote.

As she grew older, however, the fun, carefree lifestyle – being wined and dined, going to parties – began to get old. When she turned 38, terror began to take over.

“I was panic-stricken. I really thought I’m going to be alone forever. It really scared me. I don’t want people to miss out on the important things in life because they’re just enjoying themselves because I don’t think that that’s ever going to really make you happy,” she said.

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About the Author: Akelicious

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