Lekky County Homes Estate Residents Cry Out for Help Amidst Harassment and Poor Living Conditions

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Lekky County Homes Estate Residents calling for urgent intervention from relevant authorities to “hold Megamound accountable and restore their rights and well-being”

Read the statement the residents below…

Residents of Lekky County Homes Estate in Lagos have been grappling with severe issues stemming from the developer, Megamound, and its affiliates. Despite taking their grievances to federal court and filing a fundamental human rights case, residents continue to face relentless harassment, illegal disconnection of essential utilities, and poor living conditions. Efforts to improve the estate have been undermined by Megamound’s divisive tactics, including creating a second resident association and employing coercive measures to force payments to the terminated management company, Lekky County Homes Management Company (LCHMC). Additionally, the developer’s deceptive property documentation practices have prevented many residents from claiming ownership of their homes.

The situation has reached a critical point, with residents living in fear due to inadequate security, poor cleanliness, and frequent flooding caused by the developer’s illegal blockage of the estate’s drainage system. The new management company, GPFI, hired by the residents association (IKROA), has also faced severe harassment, including physical attacks on staff members. Despite these challenges, residents have taken significant steps to improve their living conditions, such as financing water treatment plants and recreational facilities. They are now calling for urgent intervention from relevant authorities to hold Megamound accountable and restore their rights and well-being.


Lekky County Homes Estate Residents

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About the Author: Akelicious

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