We Need A New Constitution, Not A New National Anthem

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Let me start by saying that the 1999 Constitution is too anachronistic, archaic and backward to address the evolving political realities and dynamics of our time. I will sound a bit blunt here. It’s a big affront on the sensitivities and sensibilities of every well-meaning Nigerian that we are still making do with the 1999 Constitution; a haphazard document cobbled together by the military and imposed on the nation. It’s indeed a national shame and embarrassment! I say this because Nigeria parades galaxy of best lawyers in the entire West Africa but can not boast of a constitution that places the people first. What a shame! It’s sheer misplacement of priority and exercise in futility for the President to change the national anthem whereas the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria is badly decayed and should be consigned into the dustbin of history. Of what significance is the change of national anthem? How can it proffer solutions to our myriads of problems?
Our current constitution is a patchwork document inherited from the military which has dangerously hindered Nigeria’s democratic growth and perpetuated authoritarian tendencies.

It’s unfortunate that Nigeria continues to crawl on its belly despite its vast human and natural resources.It really bleeds the heart that the country continues to grapple with corruption, insecurity, and economic stagnation. It needs be said that at the heart of these challenges lies the country’s constitution which has been amended several times since its enactment in 1999. However, many Nigerians believe that the current constitution is inadequate and that a new one is needed to address the country’s deep-seated problems.

The 1999 Constitution was drafted during the military regime of General Abdulsalami Abubakar and it reflects the authoritarian tendencies of that era. The current constitution concentrates power in the executive branch, limits individual freedoms and fails to provide adequate checks and balances on government power. These shortcomings have contributed to the country’s governance challenges, including corruption, impunity, and human rights abuses

The need for a new constitution is long overdue. It would provide an opportunity for Nigerians to re-examine their governance system and establish a more democratically inclusive framework.
The need for a new constitution can not be over-emphazised. It’s essential for Nigeria’s development and democratic consolidation. It would create an avenue for Nigerians to establish a more democratic and inclusive governance system, promote better governance, and ensure accountability.
On the strength of the foregoing, I’m calling on all-meaning Nigerians to stand up and demand unequivocally for a new constitution that will better their lots. Also, the National Assembly should walk the walk and stop being rubber stamps and bench warmers.

Finally, let me call on the President of the federal republic of Nigeria to muster the political will to implement the resolutions passed by the National Confab under Jonathan. It will go a long way to redeem his already battered image.

Here, I rest my case.

Onuora Odo Esq writes from Igogoro, Enugu Ezike

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About the Author: Akelicious

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